Animation Context 5 – The 7 C’s of Communication Plus or Minus 2

As previously mentioned, my brain is feeling pretty fried at the minute, so one key message in today’s seminar was a pretty poignant one. The average human mind can hold between 5 and 9 new pieces of information before it starts to forget things. Not my brain though. My brain goes to 11. Mostly because I write everything important down and the notes do most of the remembering for me.

We also discussed tidal swells, the moon, the font on motorway signs, blank space around the edge of images, the 7 C’s of communication, Harvard referencing, pitching and the art of visual storytelling as explored in the book ’99 Ways to Tell a Story’. I’m looking forward to this being delivered on Sunday and looking through the pages.coverI thought today’s session was particularly fun, interesting and entertaining. The part about the number of bits of information that our brains can handle, as well as the role that sleep plays in the processing of newly attained knowledge, has only reinforced the notion that I need to start sleeping better and working a little less frantically.

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